Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Zebra Forest


  1. If you like books with page-turning suspense, I think you would like this book. It tells a story about two kids with a really different - and troubling - home situation. There are a lot of unknowns and I think the ending is surprising. I feel the book is handicapped by a dull cover, so I'm afraid it might not get the readers it deserves. Please try it out! I can't wait to hear what others think of this book.

  2. I think this book is so far good. Not great but okay. So far I have heard storys. Im still at the intro a little. Its hard to follow all the things going on. I think I might have to read over again to understand better. Give this book a try.

  3. I thought this was a very good book, if complicated. It is about a girl with three wishes: 1: grow taller, 2: have an adventure, 3: find her father. She can't find her father; he's dead.... Or is he? Let's just say two of her wishes are granted in one heck of a summer. Which two? Read the book to find out.

  4. What did you think about the father? What kind of a person was he? Could you accept
    him if he were your own father?

    1. I think that if Andrew Snow was my father, I, like Rew, would probably have a hard time adjusting to his extreme moods and his sudden appearance in their lives. I would eventually adjust, though, because he really didn't mean for what happened to happen, it was just impulse and jealousy that compelled him to keep slamming the dark-haired man against the floor.

  5. What do you thing about the lies that Gran told the kids? Why do you think she did it?
    Was it a good idea or not?

  6. I have just started reading this book, and I am interested in where the story takes place. From what I have read, the main character, Annie B., is not very self-confident and does not like her physical appearance. She, her little brother Rew, and her Gran all live in an abnormal setting consisting of her small cluttered house underneath the black and white trees of Zebra forest. Her gran has strange rules such as no photos, mirrors, electronics, or anything with a screen because she does not like rooms that she can't go into or people that she can't talk to. Anyway, I am very intrigued by this book.

  7. As I read further Annie reveals more and more secrets. Gran uncovered them to Annie on her rare good days. Most of them are about their long gone parents. Supposedly their father was kind and talked their mother into having kids yet their mother was cruel and abandoned Annie and Rew to Gran. Right now she is living god knows where never to think about her abandoned kids again. As for their father he got in a fight with an angry man. Their father is dead.

  8. Late in the night Annie is awoken to a rattling at the back door. When she opens the door she is terrified to find a prison escapee on her doorstep. He barges in and holds everyone hostage threatening them just to keep them from turning him in. Amidst all the terror Gran awakes and they all discover the terrible truth. This man is their long dead father.

    1. Spoiler alert! Alex, write a more open-ended synopsis please.

  9. Their criminal Father Andrew Snow now has them all hostage in their own home. The tension is great enough to drive one mad. It goes on like this until the police arrive one morning. Andrew hurries Annie and Rew down to the cellar to hide himself. Gran lies her way out of it, though much to the children's dismay for they wanted to turn him in. If it goes on like this something serious could happen.

  10. Things still remain desperate in the cluttered house of the Snows. Annie is less nervous around Andrew yet still distrustful. Rew is still hateful, and Gran remains in her room cut off from the world. The entire house is like a fragile vase that could at any moment crumble in a screaming angry avalanche.

  11. Rew has thought up a scheme to get rid of Andrew Snow. He wrote a distress letter to the police which Annie will deliver when she goes grocery shopping. After Rew tells Annie of his plan he remains triumphant for the next day. Yet on the big day Annie seems to have found a soft spot for their father because she can't bring herself to turn him in.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Sent away for another grocery mission, Annie considered giving the police Rew's emergency letter. She feels guilty for lying to him. After pondering both choices she bursts out tearing it to bits and perishing all evidence of its existence. She seems to have grown fond of Andrew in some strange way. Rew on the other hand, is still as hateful as ever. Gran stays locked in her room. It seems like the only ones not in anger or desperation is Annie and Andrew.

  14. Adele Parks their friend comes to their house to check on them. Annie has the chance to turn Andrew in, but once again she can't bring her self to do it. Later that day Annie talks with Rew in his room. He yells at her saying he hates her too now. Rew is falling apart. It can't go on like this.

  15. Rew does everything alone now even chess. He has cut himself out from the rest of his family. It compels readers how fast the incline of Annie's fondness and Rew's hatred have grown. Gran still stays out of the picture cut off from the world locked in her crammed room. Rew can not take any more. He could do something insanely bad and dangerous out of anger. His hatred and fury could drive him insane.

  16. As Andrew opens up more to Annie she finds out intriguing things about him, such as the trees in Zebra Forest. He loved staring out at the tops of the trees from over the prison wall. He also mentions his love of the trunks now that he can see them. Even Gran has come down from her room. Yet as always Rew is hateful. Will Rew ever forget his hatred?

  17. Happiness seems to be restoring when Gran comes down from her room. It seems like everything is one step closer to normal until Andrew questions Gran. And as if nothing ever happened Gran silently walks back upstairs. This angers Annie so much that she insults him. The next day Andrew tells her his story of jail, being abandoned, and shame. Just like that the last bit of hope disappears.

  18. As the book concludes Rew finally gives up his angers. He can't keep going on like that after his recklessness gives Gran a terrible injury. Gran hardly spends any time in her room after Rew's change of mood. Andrew faces his terrible deed and sends himself back to prison. Annie and surprisingly Rew visit Andrew at the jailhouse at every chance. School starts back up but it does not bother Annie much. It seems like her life has turned around.
