Tuesday, December 2, 2014

One Came Home


  1. I found this book to be very good. The story line was really complicated but not too hard to follow. I was glad for the happy ending but I hope Mrs. Garrow won't be caught, or her three kids. I know the corpse wasn't who they thought it was, but it is still sad and a bit creepy about the one who did die.

  2. I picked this book because, I thought it would be about hiding from bad people, then only one person made it. I found this book very interesting. It was complicated though. I thought this book reminded me of a missing murder. Basically yes, but not exactly. I hope you like it. I got sucked into it.


  3. I also couldn't stop reading it. It was very suspenseful, and just waiting to know what happened next was like torture, so I read lots at a time.

  4. I think my charcter is going through alot of troble. She is not going to face it well. She better be getting prepared for the truth, of all she has wondered

  5. I think this book is really interesting because it talks about carrier pigeons and suggests why they became extinct. Do you think there are species now that humans are pushing into extinction?

  6. I love this book. At the begining of this book I would rate this book a 6, because it didńt really give any detail or mystery but, when i got to maybe page 60 it got really good. Last night I started off at page 117 and read to the very end which was like 250. I would rate this entire book 10! It gets very suprizing, so don't always belive the truth.
    You should try reading this.

  7. Passenger pigeons are referred to many times in the story. Why are they important to the story? Is there special significance?

  8. How did Georgie know Agatha was alive?

    1. I think Georgie couldn't will herself to believe that her sister was dead. As it said in the story, Agatha wouldn't die and then just lie there, there would be some kind of dramatic flair to her death.

  9. I just started reading this book so far I think its boring. But that might change as I get through the book. Again I just started the book and will be looking forward to reading it. This book interested me because so of my friends said it was a good book. How did this book interest you?

  10. I started the book and it was very boring but except for one little bit. It was very descriptive that one little bit. What do you think is one of the most descriptive parts in the beginning?

  11. This book is getting better than it was. It was boring in the begging it was boring. I hope it gets even better in the next chapters. How did this book hook you in?

  12. Right now I am at the part were she needs something to go to the western frontier. Well it is getting better the farther I go. What things do you think she will face?

  13. Georgie decides that she is going on a trip. She needs an animal to go. What kind of animal does she need?

  14. This book is getting very exciting. She is retelling what happens before something in the begging of the story. What do you think will happen next in the book were ever you are?

  15. I am at page 83 and know it is getting boring again. But before page 83 it was awesome. I would rate this book a 5. What do you think will happen next in the book?

  16. Right know Georgie Burkhardt is going on a trip. She is in the woods and a animal comes out of know were. What will happen next?

  17. I am in the middle of the book. Georgie makes it were she wanted to go. Will she find what she wants to find?

  18. Georgie is not prepared for what she faces on the western frontier. She is at the end of her trip and heads back home. What will her mom say when she gets back home?

  19. I am more than half way. I am on page 154. On chapter fifteen and it is boring right know, but I know it is totally going to be interesting as I read on.

  20. Tonight I read to half of chapter fifteen. It has been very boring at this part. They are still heading home. They had to stop somewhere on the way.

  21. I am on page 171 and it definetly got better. Right know there in a place that is dark and scary. I really like this book so far. I don't know how long it will take me to read the rest of the book, but hopefuly not long.

  22. So far it is getting boring again. How many times am I going to say that? So right know there still on there trip. I wonder when there going to head back to there home.

  23. I am on page 185 and it is getting exciting. It is also getting very scary. Right know there in the middle of the woods. It hopefully won't get boring again.

  24. I am almost done with the book. I have like 50 pages to read. I hope that I will get it done on Febuary vacation. I Am at the part when the something scary ends.

  25. Someone comes to Georgie when she is on her trip. She ends up stay some were. then the next day she ends up going home. Something sad happens to Georgie
