Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The Vine Basker


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I chose this book because the cover looked sort of Chinese or Japanese, and one of my favorite DCF books from a couple years ago was Where the Mountain Meets the Moon, a Chinese fantasy. The book jacket said it was a story about a teenage girl who might be sent to work in factories against her will. I just heard about this on the radio and would like to know more. Also, the book has a map at the back and I love to follow where a character goes on a map.

    1. So those are the reasons I THOUGHT I would like the book. It turns out I was not that thrilled by the story. I felt really sorry for the character and some awful details in her life, but in my opinion, not much happens during the whole book. Do you think a book with a strong character can make up for an unexciting plot?

  3. The Uyghur culture is very different from America. What are some of the differences you
    noticed? How do you feel about these differences?
