Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Far Far Away


  1. I choose this book because the cover looked interesting. From what i read on the flap it made me think that i should read it and i only go t to page 50 and thought do i want to read this and i din't end up wanting to because it was sort of boring.

  2. What I loved about this book was that it was from the perspective of a ghost, and not any old ghost either. A famous ghost. One who came into this boy's life and strengthened his interest in fairy tales. I wonder what happened in the villain's life that made him turn into what he was, a monster.

  3. From the other comments I don't know if I'm going be board or excited. From what the summary said it sounds like it's going to be exciting,from what I've read so far a little boring. But I haven't read that much and I'm only at the beginning I hope it get's exciting soon! :)

  4. I haven't gotten very far still, but I am really curious about that green smoke. What's up with that! So far they have gotten Jeremy Johnson Johnson to eat a prince cake for the first time.

  5. Tonight Jeremy, Ginger, and 2 of Ginger's girl friends went to the baker house. They spied on him for a while they put a pop rock in the baker's trix. Wierd right? Jeremy figured out he could talk to ghosts. Even wierder right? What will happen next?

  6. Yay! The book is finally getting interesting! Sooo Jeremy may or may not have been almost caught from the night before trying to break into the bakers house. Now I can't wait to find out what happens next! I hope it's as exciting as the last two chapters!

  7. I was right these last couple of chapters, things have been really good! I'm dying to find out what happens next. This book has been throwing me some curve balls. I thought Jeremy was a goody two shoes. Guess not.
    I keep wondering what Magda is talking about. Someone turning into a monster? Guess I'll find out soon enough.

  8. Sorry I didn't blog yesterday. I was busy and I couldn't blog so I hope this will count. Anyway, Jeremy got tricked into going onto a show called UNCOMMON KNOWLEDGE.(Which I'm pretty sure is Jeremy's dad's favorite tv show.) He had to pretend that he knew 15 different languages! (Crazy I know, 15!) Then he figured a way out of knowing 15 languages with the help of Jacob Grimm! The ghost who can talk to Jeremy from inside his head. Cool, right? I would want to do that, would you? He pretended that he knew all about the brothers Grimm.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Today I read more about how Jeremy was really nervous for the audition. He was a little upset with the people who tricked him. I realized his friends tricked him since he needed the money to save his bookstore from the bank(that's where he lives).

  11. Big day for Jeremy Johnson Johnson! He finds out that he's royal I think? I'm not sure if this is all true, but it could be. He doesn't strike me as royal, do you think he's royal? Anyway the other thing is that he almost got his first kiss! I personally think that's gross, but yay for him.

  12. I have just begun to read this book, and I really like it. I think that the main idea is very interesting and that the author must be very creative. So far Jeremy Johnson Johnson and his paranormal guardian are strolling to the bakery with some of his fellow classmates to buy a delicious prince cake. Anyway, I am enjoying this book a lot and can't wait to read more.

    1. There's alot more coming up your alley. I'm not going to spoil anything for you, but keep reading and there will be some twists and turns that you won't expect. Who know's what you'll find.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Jeremy Johnson Johnson has some kind of deal with the mayor of the town. The mayor will give Jeremy and father money to pay the rent. Then there is more to the deal that I quite don't understand. I'll have to read more to find out.

  15. I started to read this book over vacation and I did not like this that much there was no highlight to me in this book.I am going to read a new book called counting by 7's.The main reason I don't like this book is because it is scary.

  16. If you owned the "Two-Book Bookstore," what 2 books would you sell?

    1. I think I would sell two of my favorite books. I'd sell Sisters and Flora and Ulysses these are my two favorite books.

    2. I think I would sell either two books that go together, like 'Smile' and 'Sisters', or a book that is a fantasy and a book that is a memoir, like 'The Wizard of Oz' and 'The Boy on the Wooden Box'.

  17. Why does Jacob decide to that it is finally time for him to leave Jeremy? How does Jeremy already know it is time before Jacob tells him?

  18. I think Jeremy and Ginger got jobs from the baker who makes the prince cakes. Then they were on some kind of mission of some sort. Well they were hiding from some person who had a black shiny car. I don't know why, but for some good reason I'm sure. Then Jeremy and Ginger ran back to Jeremy's bookstore/ house. Then Jeremy's dad doesn't know that Jeremy auditioned for UNCOMMON KNOWLEDGE. So Jeremy told Ginger not to tell his dad that when he got home. Then Jeremy took a shower, then his dad came home and of course Ginger told him. She did tell him not to tell Jeremy that he know.

  19. Today Jeremy Jonhson Johnson went on UNCOMMON KNOWLEDGE. He answered all of the questions right except the last one. Dun, dun, duuuun. So he almost won alot of money, and I mean alot!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But he didn't get to keep the money. Then I wonder if the deal is still on with the mayor of the town? I wonder what that means? Well I'll find out soon enough.

  20. Jeremy is still bummed about the show. He seems kind of upset with Jacob. In Jacob's point of view; "Whether he is annoyed with me, or angry, or disappointed, I do not know. I only sensed that some strange barrier now stood between us." Tom McNEAL. It seemed like Jeremy was happier near the end of what I read.

  21. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Nobody said there was going to be kissing in this book. Disgusting!!!!! The back of the book didn't say anything like that, wait I didn't read the back of the book. So it says a little thing about love, hey I thought this book was about ghosts not kissing. Bleh! Why is this book not scaring me, except for the kissing! I think I need to go camp out in the bathroom.

  22. Bla, bla, bla, kiss, bla, bla, bla, romance, bla, bla, bla, love. If you want to read this book be prepared to read about kissing and pre-teen romance near the end of the book. Well Jeremy and Ginger did go swimming together before they kissed. I guess I saw kiss then I stopped reading for the night. I don't care about kissing or romance, I want to know what's the deal with the green smoke on the cover of the book. The author is putting all that sapy stuff in there instead of making the book scary, am I right? Teeny-bopper romance yuk!

  23. Not much happened today in Far Far Away. Jeremy and Ginger did their job for the baker, and then some weird guy said somethimg to Jeremy like sleep my boy, sleep. I have no idea what the heck he was taking about. It seems like every time Jeremy and Ginger go to work for the baker he gives them some food and then they all fall asleep, it's weird. Well I guess not much is going to be exciting for a little while, or maybe something really exciting will happen soon. Maybe Tom McNeal is tryng to trick the people who read this book. There is something suspicious is going on but I don't know what. Duh, duh, duh!

  24. When the group reaches the bakery they find out that to their dismay the Prinsesstårta has sold out. All that remains is four pieces. The baker though, who is a kind man gives them the last pieces even though they have no money. Instead of demanding money, he accepts their big “we owe you”. And that is how Jeremy Johnson Johnson tasted his first delicious bite of Prinsesstårta.

  25. When the group reaches the bakery they find out that to their dismay the Prinsesstårta has sold out. All that remains is four pieces. The baker though, who is a kind man gives them the last pieces even though they have no money. Instead of demanding money, he accepts their big “we owe you”. And that is how Jeremy Johnson Johnson tasted his first delicious bite of Prinsesstårta.

  26. As the girls chatter and chatter Jeremy Johnson Johnson is amazed how divine and delicious the Prisesstårta was. He tells them the supposed tale of the first bite. According to legend who ever you first see at the first bite of Prinsesstårta is true love. Even though the girls don't believe it, they still squeeze their eyes shut at their first bites. Accept for Ginger. Jeremy, whose allergies were acting up, sneezed a great sneeze causing everyone to look at him, even Ginger whose first bite was still in her mouth.

  27. After finishing the last morsels of their Prinsesstårta Maddy and Marjory split away from the group leaving Jeremy and Ginger. They chat while they walk to their houses which leads Jeremy to recall the story of his parents. When his father, Harold Johnson was young he would sing. One day a woman named Zyla Johnson heard him and was interested. She began to ride with him in his truck until one day Harold asked for her marriage. Once they were married they had Jeremy. Then Zyla started going out of their house for unknown reasons. Then at a festival she began to dance with other men. And then they argued. One day she left and has been gone ever since.

  28. I just started this book and think that it is a great idea to have the ghost narrate. Jeremy Johnson Johnson is walking down the street with his ghost and 3 girls to get a prince cake at the bakery.

  29. Jeremy is haunted by painful thoughts of his mother on the walk home from the bakery. As he recalls, his mother had just left and was sitting far away in a bakery eating Prinsesstårta. At her first bite a man from Canada walked in and she fell in love with him. She went to Canada to live with him. Years later a letter came to Jeremy's door. It read that his mother had died rafting. Later that night he heard his mothers voice. It said "I'm so sorry,".
