Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Saturday Boy


  1. Right now Derek is in trouble for writing on the school wall. He has to scrub the walls to get the all marker off, even in the girls bathroom. I think it is funny that he has to scrub the walls in the girls bathroom because boys normally aren't allowed in the girls bathroom. Do you think it is a fair punishment?

  2. Derek's mother is extremely sad. He is also having a pretty big stroke of bad luck at school. I honestly don't think he deserves it. I hope his luck will get better. Do you hope it gets better?

  3. Derek's mother takes down the Apache helicopter model. He accidentally hurts her feeling's while he ask for it back. Derek and Budgie are fighting again. I hope they start getting along again.

  4. This book is so good. I just could not stop reading. I was at page 182 and didn't stop reading until 234. A lot of cool stuff happened. Derek's mom was super proud about the play. Derek had a great Christmas. He got some cool stuff.

  5. This book is so good I can're pot it down I mean I think that it will be won of the better ones I have read.

  6. Me to Garrett I was on page 102 and now I am on page 206. Dereks mom is very proud of the play like garret said.

  7. Budgie and Derek used to be friends, but now they fight unless they are hanging out
    alone together. What do you think happened to this friendship?

    1. I think it is because Budgie has matured some and doesn't want people to think he is like Derek who acts kind of immature.

    2. I think Budgie is sort of being pressured into bullying Derek because people are saying Derek is weird. He hears this and decides that if he is the best friend of someone who is seen as weird, he will be seen as weird too. So he's determined NOT to be Derek's friend.

  8. Derek waiting for the bus in the freezing rain is told that it is ________.

  9. I think that Derek has a bully because he is jelus of him.

  10. Budgie is being mean to Derek because___________________. Read the book and find out.

  11. Today I started reading Saturday Boy. I now understand why it is called Saturday Boy. Its kind of boring but I think it will get better. I started to read this book because of some recommendations from other classmates.

  12. I think that saturday boy is called staturday boy because he is waiting for the bus on a saturday. Any ways I think that Derek's dad is going to come home at the end of the book.

  13. I think that Derek has a bully because the bully is jelus because Derek has somthing that the bully dosen't have somthing that derek dosem't

  14. I think that derek really misses his dad and his strugling because of it in school. He says that he is fine but I do not beilve it.

  15. Budgie is being mean to Derek. They are separating from each other and are not as close as they were before.

  16. Derek loses track of time while drying his hair and pays the price for his absent mindedness.

  17. So far I'm really enjoying Saturday Boy. Budgie isn't a very good friend if you ask me. I think what he did to Budgie was very funny and he deserved it. Also I think he will get in big trouble.

  18. Derek gets tricked and misses the bus home. But he ends up learning about what his dad was like when he was a kid.

  19. I think that Derek is very happy for his dad in the military and seems to talk about him a lot and I also agree with Jack.

  20. Saturday Boy keeps getting better and better. Budgie made Derek fall for his plan to make him climb the tree. Derek started bonding with his teacher who had to bring him home.

  21. Thoughts are racing through Dereks mind like a puck in a hockey game. What do you do to entertain yourself without TV?

  22. Derek is so confused that Violet Doesn't have a Television. Derek has never met anyone who doesn't have T.V. Derek is practicing his play part.

  23. Derek keeps his fingers crossed in hopes that his dad will come home for Christmas even though his mom thinks he wont. Derek writes to his dad asking him to come home. I have a think that his dad is dead.

  24. I'm really enjoying Saturday boy. When Derek went to Budgies house I was really surprised that he was having fun. I don't think that Derek's dad will come back Christmas.

  25. Derek feels horrible because budgie said that he didn't have fun during their play date he was just faking it.

  26. Saturday boy reminds me of Twerp. It reminds me of Twerp because both the main characters are around my age and they are both going to school.

  27. Derek attempts gets his revenge on Budgie in the form of a shrew. But he does not succeed and gets made fun of.

  28. Derek is very happy about him going to Budgie's house after he went. He even wants to go again. But it's kind of weird that Budgie won't pick up his phone.

  29. Derek writes mean things about Budgie on the wall with a Magic Marker. He doesn't even pay attention to what he is writing until its over.

  30. Derek has been doing bad things and not even realizing it until he has already done them. Derek sees his dad on TV even though he wasn't allowed to watch TV.

  31. When Derek got in trouble I didn't even know he was drawing on the wall, he must had been really frustrated. I think that Derek will turn on the tv.

  32. I forgot my book but I did an extra blog post on Monday.

  33. I am on like page 130 and I love this book so much. It reminds me somuch oftwere

  34. Derek and his family were under the impression that Derek's dad was dead. Then Derek's mom gets another phone call from the us army. Derek's dad is coming home. Derek has been on an emotional roller coaster.

  35. Derek saw his dad on tv. His family thought that he was dead but Derek knew he wasn't.

  36. I feel bad for Derek. I know that this dad didn't die but to even think about that is hard enough.

  37. The fight was pretty awesome and unexpected. I think that Derek won the fight even though he didn't get the last punch. I'm on page 190.

  38. Derek now accepts that his dad is dead. Budgie goes to Derek's house after the fight and apologizes kind of half way. Budgie just wanted to hangout with Derek not apologize.

  39. I don't know why his dad hasn't come home yet for Christmas. I don't think that heis dead. Budgie apologized to Derek about the fight.

  40. Budgie tells Derek why he wont hang out with Derek at school. Derek goes to his dads funeral with his aunt Jose and his mom.

  41. Derek from a letter from his dad. It came with a picture of him in front a apache helicopter and its name was Buttercup.

  42. Derek has a fairly normal day at school and when he gets home he wrights thank you letters ( he took quite the tumble bring them out to the mail truck). Derek gets a letter from his dad.

  43. I finished Saturday Boy!!! It was a wonderful book with kind of a sad ending. I also want to keep reading it but I can't.

  44. Derek goes to the mall with his aunt Jose and runs into Violet. He finds out that Violets mom died 3 years ago. Violet embraces Derek for reel not like in play rehearsal. END OF BOOK.
