Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Escape From Mr. Lemoncello's Library


  1. I chose this book because I love reading and playing games. I also liked the idea of a crazy Willy Wonka-type character who creates a computerized library that is actually a puzzle. Twelve lucky kids are chosen to solve by spending the night in the library.

  2. I chose this book because I like puzzles and solving riddles which was shown on the cover of the book.The cover of the book made the book look exciting.

  3. I think Mr Lemoncello is the librarian but I'm not really sure . He sent kids tickets to invite them to the opening of the library. I think he did that to see if these kids could solve puzzles. Do you agree or do you think there's a different reason?

  4. What is the best part of the new Alexandriaville Public library?

  5. What is the best part of the new Alexandriaville Public library?

  6. I am just starting this book. I like it so far. What I read tonight was Mike and Kyle were playing a game that Mr. Lemonchello created. Kyle wins and he gets grounded because he won. He gets grounded because he had to beat his brother to the basement so he goes through the window and ends up breaking it.

  7. Kyle is grounded. He can't have any electronics. It is killing him. One the bus he meets up with his friend. He knows she has a 3ds so he can play hers. While they are on the bus Kyle's friend tells Kyle about the writing assignment. The writing assignment is about the new library.

  8. Kyle and his friends are at lunch. They come over to talk to Kyle about the essays on the library. After talking, Kyle decides to write a whole new essay. He wont have much time though and he doesn't know if his teacher will take the new essay or not.

  9. There is an assembly. Mr. Lemoncelo is about to announce who the winners are. There are twelve people who can win. Kyle has a feeling he won't be one of the winners. His two best friends get called first. When there is only two spots left Kyle is thinking positively. The eleventh spot isn't his. The twelfth spot is called and it is him.

  10. Kyle and every other winner is invited to a party on opening night. They eat, drink and talk about the new library. At the end of the party the parents are asked to leave. The kids start heading to the library. The library has a big metal vault looking door. It takes three locks to unlock it. Finally they go in.

  11. Dr. Zenchenko tells everyone that they are going to play their first game of the night. The game is like Trivial Pursuit. She asks questions and if they answer correctly they roll the dice and move ahead how many spaces they roll. The prize is not to have to sleep on the ground but in a bedroom on their own private floor. Kyle goes all the way to the final round and rolls snake eyes. (Again) And the guy he was going against rolls double sixes. (Again)

  12. It is eleven now and everybody doesn't know what's going on. They all thought they would be gone by now. But Mr. Lemoncello and dr. Zenchenko have other plans. They are going to play one last game. It's called Escape From Mr. Lemoncello's Library. They have to escape using there brains and the library's research technology. First person to find the secret way out gets to be in all Mr. Lemoncello's commercials. Worth playing for?

  13. Haley (one of the contestants) is in trouble. She gets her hand stuck in a book return slot in the basement. She also is running on a treadmill while having her hand stuck. When Kyle and his team get to the basement they can't find her at first. But when they finally find her they help her quick. Since they helped Haley the get a super doper awesome clue.
